

发布时间: 2021-05-11 来源: 互联网


李万泉,重庆云阳县人,1951 年 7 月生。在原省部级重点——四川省万县卫生学校担任高级讲师;台湾省针炙学会客座教授;第二届世界传统医学大会 演讲学者。1975 年毕业于重庆医科大学医疗系, 毕业后即分配到原四川省万县卫生学校工作,担任《内科学及护理》的教学与临床工作。1979 年参与该校附属医院的建立与内科病房的开业工作。其中,于 1985 年参与当时国家卫生部与 高教委委托编写的中等医护学校《内科实习指南》、《内科护理学》有关章节的编写,两书已分别于 1992、1993 年由国家级出版社正式出版。

Li Wanquan, from Yunyang County, Chongqing, was born in July 1951. He is a senior lecturer in Wanxian Health School of Sichuan Province, a key provincial and ministerial level; a visiting professor of Taiwan Acupuncture Association; and a lecturer of the Second World Congress of traditional medicine. He graduated from the medical department of Chongqing Medical University in 1975. After graduation, he was assigned to work in Wanxian Health School of Sichuan Province as the teaching and clinical work of internal medicine and nursing. In 1979, he participated in the establishment of Affiliated Hospital and the opening of internal medicine ward. In 1985, he participated in the compilation of the relevant chapters of internal medicine practice guide and internal medicine nursing in secondary medical schools, which were commissioned by the Ministry of health and the Higher Education Commission. The two books were officially published by the national press in 1992 and 1993 respectively.

1992 年 6 月离开四川省万县卫生学校,开始自费研究"乙肝"的根治性药方(于1994 年底通过了中国医学科学院医药生物技术研究所病毒室的权威鉴定);于 2017 年底基本研制成独具特色的"乙肝/肝硬化"系列(1-5 号)中药散剂,临床有效率达85%。1994 年初开始自费研究治疗治愈"艾滋病"的中医药(原艾必治系列中药)方,1995 年底同样通过了上述机构及美国丹佛市艾滋病病毒权威实验室的鉴定,其中治疗艾滋病毒携带者的"艾必 治 1 号药"显示对艾滋病毒有显著的控制(>74%)作用;2 号药 亦经 15 例早、中期艾滋病患者的用药观察,短期内即获得显著疗效,因此其论文于1995 年 5 月获《第二届世界传统医学大会》国际优秀成果奖而赴美国领奖同时行学术交流(在 美.旧金山有两医疗机构肯请李万泉医师留在美国发展,但被本人婉言谢绝!)。 关于中药"艾必治"的研究方向(药理)及治疗 HIV/ARC/AIDS 的疗效证论(摘要)见李万泉一一第一届全国中西医结合防治艾滋病学术研讨会发表的国家级论文(该 论文已汇编入我国防治艾滋病的论文集之中/2003 年 4 月)。

In June 1992, he left Wanxian health school in Sichuan Province and began to study the radical prescription of "hepatitis B" at his own expense (he passed the authoritative identification of the virus room of Institute of medical biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences at the end of 1994); at the end of 2017, he basically developed the unique "hepatitis B / liver sclerosis" series (No. 1-5) traditional Chinese medicine powder, with a clinical effective rate of 85%. At the beginning of 1994, we began to study at our own expense the traditional Chinese medicine (the original aibizhi series of traditional Chinese Medicine) for the treatment and cure of "AIDS". At the end of 1995, we also passed the identification of the above-mentioned institutions and the authoritative HIV laboratory in Denver, USA. among them, "aibizhi No.1" for the treatment of HIV carriers showed that it had a significant control effect on HIV (> 74%); In May 1995, his paper won the international excellent achievement award of the Second World Congress of traditional medicine and went to the United States to receive the award. At the same time, he had academic exchanges (in the United States, there are two medical institutions in San Francisco willing to ask Dr. Li Wanquan to stay in the United States for development, but I politely declined it!). For the research direction (Pharmacology) of traditional Chinese medicine "aibizhi" and its therapeutic effect on HIV / arc / AIDS (Abstract), see Li Wanquan - the national papers published in the first National Symposium on Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western medicine for the prevention and treatment of AIDS (this paper has been included in the collection of papers on the prevention and treatment of AIDS in China / April 2003).

重庆市万州卫生学校(该校已于 2005 年与万州中医学校合并升格为重庆三峡医药高等专科学校)及其附属医院内科病房的开创者之一的李万泉医师, 自一九九三年春至今共廿七年来一直在临床上持续艰辛地 自费深入研究与应用预防与治疗艾滋病(含乙肝)的根治性中医药!现已成为我国防艾治艾的知名专家之一,即从 2001 年春自费进入国家 AIDS 实验室作过艾滋病毒感染者的临床观测,亦显示出很头的苗头!;2008 年秋始即开始免费为患 者治疗,以其(2019 年 9 月)基本研究完善的中药而言: 一般可在一年半时间内使大部份患者达到治愈(即根除艾滋病病毒)的惊人疗效。详情见该专家的相关资料(中国医学专家人才库/百度输入“李万泉”即可)。

Li Wanquan, one of the founders of internal medicine ward of Chongqing Wanzhou health school and its affiliated hospital (which was merged with Wanzhou School of traditional Chinese medicine and upgraded to Chongqing Three Gorges Medical College in 2005), Since the spring of 1993, we have been studying and applying radical Chinese medicine for the prevention and treatment of AIDS (including hepatitis B) at our own expense for 27 years. Now we have become one of the well-known experts in the treatment of AIDS in our national defense. That is to say, from the spring of 2001, we entered the National AIDS laboratory at our own expense to make clinical observation of HIV infected people, which also shows very good signs!; Since the fall of 2008, free treatment for patients has been started. With its (September 2019) basic research and perfect traditional Chinese medicine, it can generally cure most patients within one and a half years (i.e. eradicate HIV). For details, please refer to the relevant information of the expert (enter "Li Wanquan" in Chinese medical expert database / Baidu).

自 1998 年夏秋开始,李万泉医师即应邀在上海/北京/ 天津/广州/深圳/成都等大城市出诊,处理西医药疗效不佳 的以肝病为主的疑难疾病的中医药治疗。至今近廿二年来, 其医德不但广为患者传颂;而且其治疗慢性病/乙肝与肝病/ 肿瘤与癌症/HIV患者及 AlDS 病人用中医药的总体医技水平与临床疗效已得到愈来愈多患者的公认及好评。并已跃居国内领先水平有鉴于此,随时欢迎国内外的医学团体/专家学者与权威人士行现场观察与考核审查之。

Since the summer and autumn of 1998, Dr. Li Wanquan has been invited to visit Shanghai / Beijing / Tianjin / Guangzhou / Shenzhen / Chengdu and other big cities to deal with the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of difficult diseases with liver disease as the main cause of poor efficacy of Western medicine. In the past twenty-two years, its medical ethics has not only been widely praised by patients, but also its overall medical technology and clinical efficacy in the treatment of chronic diseases / hepatitis B and liver diseases / tumor and cancer / HIV patients and ALDS patients have been recognized and praised by more and more patients. In view of this, medical groups / experts and scholars at home and abroad are welcome to conduct on-site observation and examination.



In a word, Li Wanquan, an expert doctor, has made great achievements and rich clinical experience in the long-term practice of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of chronic difficult diseases and the three most difficult diseases in the world. Therefore, it is the method and decisive means for our medical circles, our country and the world to overcome difficult diseases and major viral infectious diseases, It has gained world-renowned experience and achievements

《继续响应国家号召,高度防控新冠复燃,尽快尽一切努挖掘中医特效药,以彻底消灭新冠病毒为重中之重》一一鉴于已基本呈现今年 4 月下旬一波新冠疫情的渐平熄,根据预判,5 一 8 月份全国各地新冠呈散发状态,8 月下旬可能有第二波疫情再燃的情况,我们不得不仍然要保持高度重视与严密的防范措施!第一波疫情,一是在党中央国务院的英明决策统一指挥下,全国人民及医务工作者的奋力抗击;以及武汉应急而生的中医药如清肺排毒汤以及莲花清瘟胶囊等中医药的良好对症(主要是针对 冠性肺炎的病症)之良好治疗作用,故始予尽快扑灭了第一波新冠疫情的爆发与传播!!;但从以上三大因素之一的中医药疗效特别是抗新冠病毒的作用而言,还远远没发挥出中医药本身的巨大作用!!本人基于廿六年临床经验所研制 的《抗新冠肺炎》散剂,主要是杀灭新冠病毒及其变异株的, 当然同时也顺便缓解与消除人体呼吸等系统的症状,此为中医药的双相作用!!凭廿六年的临床经验,本人研制的抗新冠病毒的杀毒作用约是原(武汉)所用中药的 5 一 8 倍 (与三年前其已具备进入国家级验收阶段的防治艾滋病毒 中医药物对比而言),也即可以杀灭所有入侵人体呼吸道的病毒也!!一一此科学经验与疗效将在今年秋冬时得以完全证实也!

Continue to respond to the national call, a high level of prevention and control of the new crown, to make every effort to dig all the specific Chinese medicine to eliminate COVID-19 as the priority among priorities. In view of the fact that the COVID-19 has been gradually extinguishing in late April of this year, according to the forecast, 5 new national crowns in August are sporadic, and there may be second reburning cases in late August. The first wave of epidemic situation is under the wise decision-making and unified command of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and the people and medical workers all over the country struggle against it; As well as Wuhan's emergency Chinese medicine, such as Qingfei detoxification Decoction and Lianhua Qingwen capsule, which is a good symptomatic (mainly for the symptoms of coronorus pneumonia), so as to extinguish the first wave of COVID-19's outbreak and spread as soon as possible!! but from the above three factors, especially the anti COVID-19 effect, The novel coronavirus pneumonia powder developed by the 26 year clinical experience is mainly used to kill COVID-19 and its mutants. Of course, it also relieves and eliminates the symptoms of human respiration. This is the dual role of Chinese medicine. With the clinical experience of 26 years, The anti-virus effect of the anti new coronavirus developed by me is about 5-8 times of that of the traditional Chinese medicine used in Wuhan (compared with the traditional Chinese medicine for HIV prevention and treatment which has entered the national acceptance stage three years ago), that is, it can kill all viruses invading human respiratory tract. This scientific experience and curative effect will be fully confirmed in autumn and winter this year!

(注,李萬泉为 1998 年国家执业医师,我国早于廿六年前 自费研制的抗 HBV/HIV 中医药以良好结果通过了中美两国的权威鉴定不说,而且长时期地自费研究与临床应用/天天 在抗病毒感染性重大传染病的极具丰富经验的中西医结合 医务工作者/曾引起国务院高度重视与关注的第一人)。中国中西医专家(廿六年以来长期自费科研与临床应用抗乙肝病毒及艾滋病毒特效中医药研制者)

(Note: Li Wanquan is a National Practitioner in 1998. The anti HBV / HIV traditional Chinese medicine developed by China at its own expense as early as 26 years ago has passed the authoritative appraisal of China and the United States with good results, And long-term self funded research and clinical application / highly experienced medical workers of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in major infectious diseases with antiviral infection every day / the first person who has attracted great attention and attention of the State Council). Chinese and Western medical experts (long-term self funded research and clinical application of anti hepatitis B virus and HIV specific Chinese medicine developers for 26 years)

链接:《李万泉医师的中医师承及其学术流派》简介在中医学术上李万泉医师崇尚易水学派,因为此学派侧重 脾肾两脏为主的调治,这样既把人体后天及先天两大方面 都进行了全面的调理!而且现代医学即西医很注重肾上腺的(免疫调节)功能与作用,此腺就在两肾之间!现代人所患一切慢性疑难病,多为免疫功能失调,他认为此学派治病抓住了疾病病根的一大源头!李万泉师从易水学派/ 清.康熙年间江浙名医四明居士高鼓峰先師,高氏无论从理论上或是临床实践上,均可为此学派的典型代表与临床大家,他认为高鼓峰先师实为从古至今少有的治疗各种慢性疑难病的临床大家也!故始能在 28 年内跻身于全国中医杏林之中,成为用中医药治疗慢性疑难病,特别是在 当今世界三大难症(乙肝/肝病,肿瘤与癌症,艾滋病)之 疗效的佼佼者,全赖高鼓峰先师所赐!!更是”古为今用、洋为中用”即中西医结合的辉煌结晶也!!

Link: introduction to Dr. Li Wanquan's inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and his academic school. In the academic field of traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Li Wanquan advocates the Yishui school, because this school focuses on the regulation of the spleen and kidney, which not only comprehensively regulates the acquired and congenital aspects of the human body, but also attaches great importance to the function and role of adrenal gland (immune regulation), This gland is between the two kidneys! Most of the chronic diseases that modern people suffer from are immune dysfunction. He thinks that this school of medicine has grasped the root of the disease! Li Wanquan studied from the Yishui school / Qing Dynasty. During the reign of Kangxi, Gao Gufeng, the first teacher of Siming, a famous doctor in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, was a typical representative and clinical master of this school in theory and clinical practice, He believes that Gao Gufeng is a rare clinical master in treating various chronic difficult diseases from ancient times to the present. Therefore, he has been able to become one of the best TCM practitioners in the country in 28 years, and has become a leader in the treatment of chronic difficult diseases with TCM, especially in the treatment of three difficult diseases (hepatitis B / liver disease, tumor and cancer, AIDS) in the world, Thanks to the master Gao Gufeng, it's a brilliant combination of Chinese and Western medicine!!



