

发布时间: 2022-03-11 来源:



  Radical cure of malignant swelling and pain with traditional Chinese medicine is an inevitable choice for the development of human medicine

  Revitalizing Traditional Chinese medicine, overcoming cancer and building a monument -- ChenHailin


  Purple comes from the East, with picturesque rivers and mountains, red flags waving dragons and tigers. The year of the tiger is coming. In order to create a strong festival atmosphere, inherit traditional Chinese medicine culture, and let the world know, understand and fall in love with traditional Chinese medicine, Chen Hailin, a famous Chinese cancer doctor, wishes everyone to do tiger things, be tiger people, carry out tiger luck, make tiger money, have a good year of the tiger, and be full of tiger spirit!


  Traditional Chinese medicine, which is closely related to the reproduction and survival of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, is not only a prominent advantage of the Chinese nation, but also a treasure of world medical culture, providing a window for promoting the dialogue between Chinese and Western civilizations. Let people witness the magic of traditional Chinese medicine, which not only shows the dual strength of Chinese culture and science and technology, but also improves people's sense of identity with excellent traditional culture. "Traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence and treasure of China. The development of traditional Chinese medicine has a glorious mission and great responsibility.


  Chen Hailin, President of Beijing liminyuan International Institute of traditional Chinese medicine, has excellent medical skills, devoted his whole life to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine and anti-cancer, established a good reputation in the eyes of patients, and cured patients all over the country. Conquering all kinds of cancer is his life belief that has been supporting his continuous progress. No matter what changes have taken place in the stage and occasion of life, this belief is consistent.


  Chen Hailin was born into an intellectual family in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province in August 1955. His father studied in the Department of physics of Beijing Furen University in his early years. In 1957, both parents became rightists. The parents sent the young Chen Hailin to the countryside of Shanxi Province. The adoptive father is a farmer. He is diligent, mainly engaged in farming and worked hard all his life. He is a specimen Chinese farmer, childless and childless. He treats Chen Hailin as his own child. The young Chen Hailin grew up under the care of his adoptive father. Until the age of 18, his biological parents wanted to take Chen Hailin back to Hangzhou after his rehabilitation. Chen Hailin wanted to take his adoptive father back to the city, but for some reason his adoptive father refused. On the one hand, I face my biological parents, and on the other hand, I face my adoptive father who has been bedridden and ill for more than ten years


  In such a difficult choice, Chen Hailin resolutely chose to stay in the countryside and take care of his adoptive father. What a loving and righteous person! Therefore, Chen Hailin's extraordinary life has been established. In the second year after graduating from high school, Mr. Chen Hailin decided to work in the village health center. Then he took part in the medium and long-term training in the commune health center and the county people's hospital to learn clinical knowledge. After passing the training, he returned to the village health center. Under the leadership of an old doctor and a distant uncle, he began to learn acupuncture, recognize the soup of traditional Chinese Medicine, recognize the true and false of traditional Chinese medicine, and process and process traditional Chinese medicine. At that time, the conditions were limited, In order to save money, the health center took time to provide its own medicine and grow its own herbs. He often went up the mountain with his uncle and old medicine farmers to collect herbs, recognize medicines and identify the names of wild medicines. Under the kind care and education of his predecessors, Mr. Chen Hailin learned a lot of practical knowledge that he didn't have in books, but often encountered in reality. After a year or two of ordinary life, He often accompanied his uncle home to see a doctor for patients: first, his uncle was seventy-six years old and more than 50 years older; second, he went to the patient's home with his uncle for diagnosis, observation, looking at the tongue coating to the pulse and percussion. In short, it took an hour for a disease to complete a treatment plan, It turned out that Mr. Chen Hailin was a little impatient and unstable. After several years, driven by his uncle, he has become much more mature. Take your time, carefully observe the symptoms, and come to a conclusion: when you need that kind of medicine again, when the old doctor teaches students, he always asks him to know the properties of each of the five hundred to eight hundred traditional Chinese medicines, their meridian tropism, wide origin, indications, compatibility, taboos, and how to master the prescription. Uncle said that prescriptions can be prepared at any time. They vary from person to person, from time to disease. Several years later, due to changes in national policies, my uncle was moved back to his hometown from the beginning of the cultural revolution in Beijing because of his family composition. This time, he was reinstated and returned to Beijing. Over the past few years, Mr. Chen Hailin's learning and harvest around his uncle can not be expressed in words.


  First of all, treat the sick and save people. 2. Don't be greedy for money. 3. Be honest and help others. 4. Learn from what you know and forge ahead. Grind an iron rod into a needle. Vanity is too strong. Instead, it develops laziness and falls. If you don't advance, you will fall back. Around them, Mr. Chen Hailin can identify the planting time and procurement time of hundreds of wild drugs. I learned the hand skills of acupuncture and moxibustion, the use of medicine and diseases, and the code of conduct. When Professor Chen Hailin was a teenager, he had a dream. After five years of cold and heat, he attended the clinic with his teacher and was very strict in class and reading. Work during the day, light the lights at night, read at night, burn plasters and sundials, remember medical classics and concentrate on seeking. In line with the principle of "often treating people's diseases as their own, saving them as if they were my own", he is serious and responsible for his work, keeps improving his medical skills, and is considerate to patients. Professor Chen Hailin, regardless of the heat and cold, or at midnight, in case of a person who is seriously ill and cannot see a doctor, he will go to the patient's home for diagnosis in person, not avoiding pollution and cumbersome. He will consult the whole story in detail, get his feelings, analyze and judge, and then treat carefully. Every patient is respected by the patient, and his medical skills and ethics are famous in the countryside.


  The difficult environment stimulates people's fighting spirit, and the villagers' suffering awakens the motivation to learn medicine. Lack of medical care and medicine is a common phenomenon in the 1920s. This situation also exists in Chen Hailin's hometown. "Carrying minor illness, dragging serious illness and waiting to see the king of hell" was a true portrayal of the harsh medical environment in the region at that time.

  在目睹许多患者被折磨得痛不欲生的情景,而作为医生却无能为力的事实面前,陈海林善良的心灵受到了极大地冲击,医生那治病救人的天职激发着他走上了行医之路,并立志要在医学界闯出一片天地,做一个以善为本、以德行医的好医生。这个朴素的心愿激励着他迈过了人生道路上的许多沟沟坎坎。抗癌专家陈海林,作为复兴中医药文化的坚定实践者,一直以来带头倡导发掘好、传承好、保护好中医药,他高瞻远瞩, 身先士卒。

  Chen Hailin's kind heart was greatly impacted by the fact that many patients were tortured and helpless, but as a doctor, he was inspired by the doctor's bounden duty to treat patients and save people, and he was determined to break into a world in the medical community and be a good doctor based on kindness and virtue. This simple wish inspired him to overcome many difficulties on the road of life. Chen Hailin, an anti-cancer expert, as a firm practitioner of rejuvenating the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, has always taken the lead in advocating the exploration, inheritance and protection of traditional Chinese medicine. He has great foresight and takes the lead.

  近年来,在我国,肿瘤的发病率和死亡率都有所增加,城市居民恶性肿瘤死亡率已居死因第一位,在目前的医学水平下,癌症是一种比较难治的疾病。原因在于癌症早期没有征兆,大多数的病人发现时已经是晚期。很多患者一旦患上肿瘤,就觉得“天塌下来了”、“生活没有希望了”。 而陈海林的出现为广大癌症患者带去了希望。


  In recent years, the incidence rate and mortality rate of cancer in China have increased. The mortality rate of malignant tumor in city residents has been the first cause of death. Cancer is a relatively difficult disease at present medical level. The reason is that there are no signs in the early stage of cancer, and most patients are already in the late stage when they are found. Once many patients suffer from tumors, they feel that "the sky is falling" and "there is no hope in life". The emergence of Chen Hailin has brought hope to the majority of cancer patients.

  In his career as a doctor for more than decades, Professor Chen Hailin has always insisted on the path of anti-cancer in traditional Chinese medicine and asked why, Chen Hailin thinks: "Traditional western medicine is nothing more than a three board axe in the treatment of cancer: surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and then check whether patients have recurrence and metastasis. If there is no radiotherapy and chemotherapy, they have to wait passively. Over and over again, this treatment process not only makes cancer patients extremely painful, but also makes cancer families bear huge economic pressure. Therefore, he wants to find another way for cancer patients Therefore, I chose traditional Chinese medicine without hesitation.



  "Every great doctor must calm his mind, be determined, have no desire and no desire, first show great kindness and hide his heart, and vow to save the suffering with spirit". As a traditional Chinese medicine oncologist, Professor Chen Hailin has a sacred sense of mission and lofty sense of responsibility, which has inspired and encouraged Professor Chen Hailin time and again to fight tenaciously with cancer demons, and strive to save more people's lives even if he devotes his whole life.

  It is this firm belief that makes Professor Chen Hailin successful in the field of traditional Chinese medicine anti-cancer, which has been affirmed by people in the industry and the families of cancer patients.

  路远无轻担。不经一番寒彻骨,哪有梅花扑鼻香? 回顾匆匆几十载, 在艰难的岁月里,他经历的太多太多,用一句概括:九十九分汗水,一分灵感:四十余年的实现跨跃。陈海林教授从多层次、多元级、多系统、多方位、多维路、多渠道去开拓思维想象空间。立足将传统文化《易经》、《五行》与气功、阴阳、养身诸学科相结合。在传统中医药学三焦气化多维求协论理论的指导下,与现代医学的诊断手段和影像资料有机的结合。将对症的药物组方,进行气化介入人体内气化中枢(脾胃)进行气体交换(机制)的升降出入进入病灶,迅速遏制癌细胞的扩散和转移,直接摧毁突变的癌细胞去修复缺失变异的细胞和细胞质,把癌细胞逆转为正常的生理细胞。理论依据:《天元纪大论》中所述:“在天为气,在地为形,形气相感而化生万物矣”、因此《内经》对于人体生理和病理生理的认识也完全是从“气化”的角度来认识,从“气化”的角度出发来研究人体的生理现象、病理现象、疾病的诊断、治疗和预防原则,从而通过气化的演变迅速达到根治肿瘤的目的。创造出了独具中国中医特色与创新思维的癌症综合治疗方案,标本皆施。

  A long way without a light load. Without some cold, how can plum blossom smell? Looking back on the past few decades, he has experienced too much in the difficult years. In one sentence: 99% sweat, 1% inspiration: leaping in more than 40 years. Professor Chen Hailin explored the space of thinking and imagination from multi-level, multi-level, multi system, multi-directional, multi-dimensional way and multi-channel. Based on the traditional culture, the book of changes and the five elements are combined with Qigong, yin and Yang and physical cultivation. Under the guidance of traditional Chinese Medicine Triple Energizer gasification multidimensional synergism theory, it is organically combined with modern medical diagnostic means and image data. The prescription of symptomatic drugs is gasified and intervened into the gasification Center (spleen and stomach) in the human body to carry out the rise and fall of gas exchange (mechanism) into the focus, quickly curb the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells, directly destroy mutant cancer cells to repair missing and mutated cells and cytoplasm, and reverse cancer cells into normal physiological cells. Theoretical basis: it is stated in the great treatise on the Tianyuan period that "Qi is in the sky and shape is in the earth, and all things are transformed by the sense of shape and gas". Therefore, the understanding of human physiology and pathophysiology in the Internal Classic is also completely understood from the perspective of "gasification", and the principles of human physiological phenomena, pathological phenomena, disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention are studied from the perspective of "gasification", Thus, through the evolution of gasification, the purpose of radical cure of tumor can be achieved rapidly. It has created a comprehensive cancer treatment scheme with unique Chinese traditional Chinese medicine characteristics and innovative thinking, which is applied to all specimens.


  To understand cancer, conquer cancer and break the curse that human beings cannot overcome cancer, Professor Chen Hailin has devoted himself to the cause of cancer treatment for decades. He has a tough character and always has a heart unwilling to be mediocre. As long as he recognizes the things, no matter how hard or tired he is, he can't shake his determination to strive to complete them. It is with this spirit that he has written his diligent pursuit of traditional Chinese medicine and his great medical feelings of eliminating diseases for the people in his life of more than 40 years. Mr. Chen Hailin thinks what patients think and is anxious about what patients are anxious about. He has explored, studied, inherited and innovated and developed the valuable experience left by his predecessors. He went up the mountain to dig medicine, take medicine and test medicine, and re found the strength of medication for the treatment of modern diseases, which more obviously reflects the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of modern diseases. Fast rehabilitation, short course of treatment and low cost (which is the mainstream direction of national medical reform), which denies all kinds of fallacies questioning traditional Chinese medicine! Bring the most professional services to every patient. With noble medical ethics and exquisite technology, patients achieve magical curative effect, reduce the use of infusion and antibiotics, and have good safety, effectiveness and practicability. It is a healthy green therapy discipline of traditional Chinese medicine.



  Health is the eternal pursuit of mankind. It determines the sense of gain of the masses and relates to the appearance and status of the country and nation. The outline of the 14th five year plan proposes to comprehensively promote the construction of healthy China, marking a new journey for the development of China's medical and health undertakings. Healthy China, sharing health, is shining from dream into reality. Chen Hailin has witnessed too many life and death, tasted countless ups and downs, and bears great responsibility pressure. A drop of water wears a stone, not because of its strength, but because of its perseverance and perseverance. In his decades of clinical career, Chen Hailin has been trying to extend tumor treatment to a deeper depth. The clinical research he valued has increasingly become the top priority of medical development. The level of clinical research has also become one of the important benchmarks of national pharmaceutical innovation ability, and has even been mentioned by countries all over the world as a strategic height related to the national economy, the people's livelihood and national development. Through years of clinical practice, President Chen Hailin has applied for 21 invention patents in brain tumors, upper and middle esophageal cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, laryngeal cancer, cardia cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, choledochal cancer, bone cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, lymphatic cancer, breast cancer, and neurogenic malignancies. He has made important contributions to the innovation of Chinese medicine in the treatment of cancer.

  Traditional Chinese medicine contains the Chinese nation's health concept and practical experience for thousands of years. It is a treasure of Chinese civilization and condenses the great wisdom of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. *** President Chen Hailin has always advocated; Radical cure of malignant tumor with traditional Chinese medicine is an inevitable choice for the development of medicine in the world.


  The Chinese dream has a long way to go. The reason why traditional Chinese medicine has such strong vitality is inseparable from the continuous struggle and hard work of generations of traditional Chinese medicine people, who have repeatedly made new contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine. President Chen Hailin has worked hard for more than 40 years to achieve the goal of cancer treatment with traditional Chinese medicine. Jingyou life, benevolence, innovation, conquer 21 kinds of cancer, constantly improve the quality of service, and make new contributions to promoting the healthy China action and better maintaining and protecting people's health! Today, in the 21st century, this year coincides with the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. By overcoming various cancer treatment potentials, Chen Hailin has opened up many new possibilities for the treatment of other types of cancer and rare cancer. In order to commemorate the development of modern medicine and scientific progress, it is full of twists and turns and hardships. President Chen Hailin named this great project 321, which is also a life project for human beings to overcome cancer.


  President Chen Hailin is based on the dialectical theory of people-oriented, the unity of heaven and man, the constant overall view, and the rule according to local conditions and people; To consolidate the foundation and clear the source, treat both symptoms and root causes, moisten the lung and kidney, disperse knot and remove blood stasis, replenish qi and blood, reverse and repair pathological cells into normal physiological cells while differentiating viruses. It is not difficult to see that the change of tongue coating from patients, CT's report and my own statement prove that Chinese medicine has achieved twice the result with half the effort in the treatment of New Coronavirus's sequelae.


  陈海林院长为无数的癌症带来了健康,破解了这个世界性难题。但陈海林深知癌症领域还有更多的未知需要他去探索,振兴中医,攻克各种癌症,始终作为他神圣的职责和使命,也是他毕生的追求! 匠心中医,至善至美。陈海林教授在中医事业中成就无数,但他定然不会因此停下,只会越走越远,将大美大善传给更多人,让中医走出中国,走向世界。

  President Chen Hailin played a unique role in the prevention and treatment of major sudden infectious diseases with traditional Chinese medicine., The effect of traditional Chinese medicine has been recognized by the world, and he himself has also been rated as an international meritorious figure in the fight against epidemic diseases.

  President Chen Hailin has brought health to countless cancers and solved this worldwide problem. However, Chen Hailin knows that there are still more unknowns in the field of cancer, which needs him to explore, revitalize traditional Chinese medicine and conquer all kinds of cancer. It has always been his sacred duty and mission, and it is also his lifelong pursuit! Ingenuity, perfection and beauty. Professor Chen Hailin has made countless achievements in the cause of traditional Chinese medicine, but he will not stop because of this. He will only go further and further, pass on the great beauty and goodness to more people, and let traditional Chinese medicine go out of China and into the world.


  Some cases of treatment:


  Patient: Chen, 63, was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and pancreatic uncinate cyst in Hunan people's Hospital in June 2021. The condition of 15.8cm patient is very serious. Because the patient is older and has poor physical quality, the hospital recommends conservative treatment. When the doctors in the hospital had given up treatment and the family lost hope, in October this year, they met Professor Chen Hailin through the introduction of the patient's daughter friend (the daughter friend's mother ate Professor Chen Hailin's traditional Chinese medicine to treat lymphatic cancer). Professor Chen was very worried about such a serious disease, so he quickly arranged for the patient's family to rush to Shanxi for consultation and a series of questions, Professor Chen prescribes a prescription based on his many years of experience. The patient originally used painkillers to relieve pain every day. After eating Professor Chen's traditional Chinese medicine for half a month, he no longer needs painkillers. Now he has taken the medicine for a month, his essence, Qi and spirit have been significantly enhanced, and he is gradually recovering.


  Patient: Wang Moue, 74 years old, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in stage IV in Second People's Hospital of Changzhi, Shanxi in September 24, 2021. Due to its age, poor physique, family members are unwilling to make chemotherapy, and poor families can not afford high medical expenses. Fortunately, Wang Moue is the same village of Chen Hai Lin. I have heard that Professor Chen Hailin has obvious curative effect on cancer treatment. After taking the medicine prescribed by Professor Chen Hailin for two months, my condition has been controlled. Now I can walk down the ground.


  Patient: Qin yishuan, male, 52, Nanzhuang Village, Lucheng District, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province. The scope of bladder cancer was checked by four hospitals: 23mmx24mm, Chinese medicine treatment for 30 days to zero. Cystoscope examination in December 3rd 2ooo was almost normal. For 21 years now, he has participated in agricultural labor all his life, a cure advertisement, and never took medicine, relapse or transfer all his life.


  Patient: Li mouzhi, 73 years old, is a family member of a famous doctor in Hangang hospital. After examination, the drug distribution in thoracic vertebrae 8 to 9 and lumbar vertebrae 3 to 4 was abnormally concentrated, and multiple malignant bone lesions were diagnosed. On March 2, 1998, he began to take traditional Chinese medicine. On April 20, 1998, the ECT examination of Hangang hospital showed that the osteogenic activity of thoracic vertebrae 8 was enhanced, and the osteogenic activity of lumbar vertebrae 3 and 4 was basically normal! After taking Professor Chen Hailin's special traditional Chinese medicine for 48 days, we were clinically cured. On May 1, we accompanied a group of five people to walk 4 miles to the station to see Professor Chen Hailin off!


  Patient: Yang mouhu, male, 38 years old, is from lujiazhuang village, Changzhi suburb, Shanxi Province. After CT examination, the range of left upper lung cancer was 72mmx69mm x7omm. He took traditional Chinese medicine for 32 days from May 2, 1998 to June 4, 1998. No space occupying lesions were found in both lungs. Zero in 32 days!


  Patient: he mourong, male, 51 years old, Guantou village, Zuoquan County, Shanxi Province. Due to lung cancer (squamous cell carcinoma, bilateral neck area V1 shows solid hypoechoic, and the size of the right neck is about O, 29xo, 26cm, O, 41xo, 38cm. Color Doppler ultrasound shows that one lymph node in the LV area of the left neck is swollen, except for one Mt. he Liurong can't sleep at night because of chest tightness, shortness of breath, dyspnea, coughing, blood in sputum and heavy back. He is thin, has difficulty walking and loses weight, and weighs 105kg. According to the insider Lead me to treatment. From January 9, 2013 to May 29, 2013. Take 75 pairs of traditional Chinese medicine, a total of 140 days, clinically cured. Ultrasound examination in Jinzhong first people's Hospital on May 29, 2013: ultrasound showed that no obvious enlarged lymph nodes were found in both necks. CT diagnosis report was made immediately: Impression: 1. Combined with medical history, reexamination after treatment of right lung cancer, small nodule in the middle lobe of right lung.


  On June 17, 2013, he mourong went to Shanxi cancer hospital to find Professor Song Daqing to review the examination report, CT film and ultrasound film: compared with CT on September 19, 2012, the mass around the bronchus of the upper lobe of the right lung about 25mmx30mmx25mm disappeared. He thought that there was no recurrence and metastasis after the cancer disappeared. Song Daqing 18035102997. June 17, 2013. One year later, from October 18 to 22, 2014, in Shanxi Provincial Corps Hospital of the armed police force of the Chinese people's Liberation Army: medical identification: no tumor cells were found in the whole body after a number of tests and examinations!


  From June 1, 2013 to now, the advertisement has not taken medicine, transferred or relapsed all his life. Participate in full-time labor, promote to village head, lead all villagers to build a new countryside, write a new village style and make more contributions to revitalizing the new countryside! The patient took 75 payments of traditional Chinese medicine for 140 days. There was no outpatient registration fee and no expert registration fee. The drug fee was 11800 yuan.


  Chinese medicine has the shortest time and the least RMB to treat the biggest cancer disease. This is the fundamental difference between traditional Chinese medicine and other therapies, which is the most successful, essential and considerate to the people and patients. This is the responsibility and responsibility of TCM researchers. People's life and health is a lifelong pursuit. It has been more than 30 years since cancer patients have been cured by traditional Chinese medicine. The reversal of cancer cells into normal physiological cells has become a normalized topic of our treatment. It is expected to completely overcome cancer in this century. In order to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the common and bright red banner of human health destiny is flying all over the world and forever!

  诸多的癌症患者,经著名治癌专家陈海林教授治愈后的几十年里,都健康的和家人幸福和谐正常的生活着;还有的治愈后仍然投身于祖国建设的各条战线上;由于陈海林教授采用的中医药根治癌症的治疗原则,不是以毒攻毒,也不是杀死癌细胞,更不是带瘤生存;而是运用自己研发的中医三焦气化理论和中医药辩证论治疗法,将癌细胞逆转成为了正常的生理细胞;凡经陈海林教授治愈后的人,一是不再转移复发;二是告别终身服药;三是不会寿终于癌症。这就是陈海林教授 30 多年来独创研发的中医药根治癌症的精髓特色。也是高度概括出“中医药根治恶性肿瘤是人类医学发展的必然选择”的经典理论。“征途漫漫,惟有奋斗”。虽然已经取得了历史性的突破,但陈海林院长深知癌症研究领域有很多的未知需要他去探索,攻克各种癌症,人民生命健康是他毕生的追求。

  Many cancer patients, after being cured by Professor Chen Hailin, a famous cancer expert, have lived a happy, harmonious and normal life with their families in health for decades; Others still devote themselves to all fronts of the motherland's construction after being cured; Professor Chen Hailin's treatment principle of radical cure of cancer with traditional Chinese medicine is not to attack poison with poison, nor to kill cancer cells, nor to live with tumor; Instead, they use their own developed TCM triple energizer gasification theory and TCM dialectical treatment to reverse cancer cells into normal physiological cells; For those who have been cured by Professor Chen Hailin, first, they will no longer metastasize and relapse; Second, bid farewell to lifelong medication; Third, they will not die of cancer. This is the essence and feature of traditional Chinese medicine radical cure of cancer, which has been independently developed by Professor Chen Hailin for more than 30 years. It is also a classic theory that "radical cure of malignant tumors with traditional Chinese medicine is the inevitable choice for the development of human medicine". "The journey is long, only struggle". Although a historic breakthrough has been made, President Chen Hailin knows that there are many unknowns in the field of cancer research that need him to explore and overcome all kinds of cancer. People's life and health is his lifelong pursuit.
