
黄河千年清一回 让江河湖泊清澈甘甜炎黄子孙端上金饭碗 —— 向建党103周年献礼

发布时间: 2024-06-23 来源: 互联网


  ——Visit Zhang Guoguo, the most influential figure in the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a specially invited academician of the World Intangible Cultural Heritage, a strategic scientist in traditional Chinese medicine, a leading figure in traditional Chinese medicine, and the chairman of Zhejiang Wangu Biotechnology Co., Ltd



  Academician Zhang Guoguo, the chief planner of the Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Initiative, is the pioneer and successful practitioner of the Chinese era, who is the chairman of the internship. The green mountains and clear waters are the gold and silver mountains of the Chinese era, and the Silicon Valley, the four major aggregates of the new era, which have doubled the income of the country and developed new quality productive forces. He is also an outstanding representative of contemporary exploration and inheritance of the excellent cultural essence of the Chinese nation. He has always been committed to exploring and researching the wisdom and treasures of the ancient Silk Road.



  He saw from a mulberry leaf, a mulberry branch, and a piece of mulberry wood and mulberry roots the communist tomorrow that all humanity yearned for infinitely. He integrated various technological information resources and cleverly utilized the four major modern high-tech aggregations for industrial innovation and upgrading. For the first time, he proposed to rely on the 505 series of deep processing techniques of dragon tree planting to create the Yellow River Millennium Clean and Revival Shield Project (underground space), thus scientifically and effectively solving the current global problems of environmental pollution, human food security, and human survival and reproduction. Mr. Zhang Guoguo pointed out that no matter how high and extremely cold the future temperature on the Earth's surface may be, it is no longer suitable for human habitation. However, the eternal underground living and development space for human beings must be located in the vast central and western regions of China and the deep mountainous hinterland of the world's roof on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. In the future, bustling underground cities, farms, schools, and factories will be built here, and the beautiful landscape of artificial intelligence in the vast sea of mulberry fields and windblown grasslands will definitely appear in millions of square kilometers of underground space.




黄河清梦 龙树情长


  The civilization of China, spanning five thousand years, is as vast as the sea. Its profound wisdom is like twinkling stars, endless and admirable to the world, captivating the hearts of the Chinese people and passed down from generation to generation. Planting mulberry and raising silkworms has become a cultural heritage that has been accumulated in the 7000 year history of China. Spring silkworms remain silent, yet they benefit billions of Chinese children with their silky cocoons; The Yellow River is indomitable and flows endlessly, moistening the vast eastern homeland with its surging water. Spring silkworms and the Yellow River have been totems of the Chinese nation for over 5000 years, embodying profound national emotions and cultural connotations.


  In 1982, the exquisite jade bronze silkworm unearthed in Anyang, Henan Province, with a history of 4700 years, witnessed the glory of ancient sericulture; In the same year, the gilded copper silkworm unearthed in Ankang, Shaanxi Province, more than 2600 years ago, further revealed a profound fact to the world: the spring silkworm, which feeds on dragon leaves, is actually one of the sources of the Chinese dragon vein. Together with the Yellow River, it has become the totem of the Chinese nation - the symbol of the dragon.


  However, it is sad that since modern times, the Chinese Loong tree has been cut down relentlessly in a large area, and its golden shade has been replaced by toxic and harmful eucalyptus trees, poplar trees, French wutong, etc., which are worth about 2 billion mu. Every year, at least 2 billion tons of such plant wastes pour into Rivers and Lakes, rotting and smelling, causing serious pollution to water sources, soil and air. The blatant invasion and destruction of China's ecological environment and various industries by Western countries are aimed at exterminating the nation. Of particular concern is the alarming harm of cultural invasion, which has caused spiritual pollution to the younger generation in China far greater than the harm caused by environmental pollution.


  Mr. Zhang Guoguo strongly advocates that the right path in the world is the mulberry trees, and implementing green mountains and clear waters is like mountains of gold and silver. Traditional Chinese medicine is the golden key to opening the treasure trove of Chinese civilization, and the people's longing for a better life is the glorious instruction of our goal leaders. The country should establish a leadership organization for building a strong agricultural and mulberry country, and middle school students should learn the most basic life-saving skills of ancient people in mulberry cultivation and sericulture. Promote the spirit of spring silkworms and the spirit of the Yellow River, explore the Silk Road of the new era, and develop artificial intelligence to deeply process and enrich the people and strengthen the country. Let modern artificial intelligence replace toxic and harmful tree species such as toxic eucalyptus and shrubs that cannot produce benefits for thousands of years, let high protein mulberry leaves and mulberry fruit feed replace the cultivation of genetically modified corn concentrate feed, and let China spread all over the Chinese Loong Dragon Gold Forest, and the mountains are full of wild dragon gold, cuttlefish, mulberry parasitism, and mulberry yellow fresh meat mushrooms. Recreate the magnificent scenery of Sangjian's promise and Sangtian's vast sea. Let our descendants not only enjoy a beautiful and happy life according to their needs, but also fully enjoy the original ecological civilization environment of the Earth thousands of years ago.



  In 2019, Shenzhen Bohai Rim Industrial Investment Co., Ltd., led by Zhang Guotu, made an exclusive investment and jointly initiated the "Yellow River Millennium Clean Up" campaign with 12 mainstream media outlets at the central level.


  Organic meat, eggs, and milk are great remedies for the world. Mr. Zhang Guoguo explained to the reporter in depth that since ancient times, China has passed down the agricultural wisdom of "one mulberry tree wins one acre", which means that planting a mulberry tree (historically known as a sacred tree, divine tree, or dragon tree) can increase the harvest of one acre of grain field. Eight academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering jointly wrote a letter to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, clearly stating that one acre of mulberry tree, relying solely on the protein provided by mulberry leaves to humans each year, is equivalent to the output of three acres of soybeans.


  Chinese Loong, with abundant leaves and deep roots, can not only effectively alleviate the erosion of rainstorm on the ground, but also play an important role in maintaining ecological balance. The planting process does not require the intervention of fertilizers, pesticides, or genetically modified herbicides, nor does it require annual soil plowing or weeding, greatly reducing the labor intensity of farmers and improving the sustainability of agricultural production. More importantly, the vast majority of grain seeds in our country are controlled by Western interest groups, and only the improved mulberry germplasm resources of dragon trees (non genetically modified) are firmly held in the hands of the Chinese people. If our 1.4 billion people can contract land and plant 100 Chinese Loong trees, it will be equivalent to every Chinese adding 100 mu of fertile land, making the Rivers and Lakes of the motherland clear and sweet, and the descendants of the Chinese people will get a golden job. The efficiency of agricultural production in Eastern powers will be greatly improved, and the labor burden of farmers will also be greatly reduced, at least by 80%.


  At the same time, in the forefront of agricultural technology, the successful research and production of Boen BGA superconducting quantum silicon fertilizer in the Yellow River Millennium Clear not only effectively degrades the pollution caused by fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms for half a century, but also significantly supplements soil microbial organic matter, enhances soil permeability, and helps crops grow vigorously. Through practical application verification, the application of Boen BGA superconducting quantum silicon fertilizer can increase crop yield by more than 50%, while significantly reducing the cost of organic fertilizer procurement to half of the original.


  What's even more exciting is that it can promote the decomposition of crop roots and absorb more trace beneficial elements that were previously difficult to reach, greatly improving the quality and taste of agricultural products, such as sweeter apples and fresher citrus fruits. In addition, this fertilizer can significantly enhance the disease and pest resistance of crops. For common diseases such as apple rot and citrus wilt, the use of Boen BGA superconducting quantum silicon fertilizer can often quickly take effect, making withered trees rejuvenate.


  From a more macro perspective, the promotion, deep processing and application of BGA superconducting quantum silicon fertilizer and excellent varieties of Chinese Loong tree will not only help to solve the problem of recessive hunger commonly faced by contemporary people, but also effectively improve the level of food safety and ensure people's diet health. Compared to traditional grain cultivation, its economic benefits are more than a hundred times higher, undoubtedly injecting strong impetus into the development of modern agriculture.

匠心永固 龙肽传芳

  古中医智慧皆言是药三分毒,唯有桑叶、桑葚、桑黄无毒清凉有机滋补清百毒。 “百药不离桑”,可见桑树一身皆藏珍宝。然而,近四十余载,我国农业、林业及医药领域遭遇重重困境,致使数亿民众罹患疾病,近十亿人口更是饱受隐性饥饿与亚健康之苦。尤其疫苗后遗症问题,已引起社会广泛关注。黄河千年清一回科研团队经深入研究,惊喜地发现充沛的蛋白质让中华龙树的根盘根系极其发达,其嫩芽、绿叶、乳汁、果实以及珍贵的桑黄龙肽,均为抗击疫苗后遗症及诸多亚健康、多发病、常见病的廉价利器。

  The wisdom of ancient Chinese medicine all said that medicine has three parts of toxicity, but only mulberry leaves, mulberries, and mulberry yellow are non-toxic, cool, organic, nourishing, and detoxifying. "A hundred herbs never leave the mulberry," it can be seen that the mulberry tree is full of treasures. However, in the past forty years, China's agriculture, forestry, and pharmaceutical sectors have encountered numerous difficulties, resulting in hundreds of millions of people suffering from diseases, and nearly one billion people suffering from hidden hunger and sub-health. The issue of vaccine sequelae, in particular, has attracted widespread social attention. After in-depth research, the Yellow River's millennium scientific research team was surprised to find that the abundant protein makes the root disc and root system of Chinese Loong extremely developed. Its buds, green leaves, milk, fruits and precious phellodendron peptides are cheap tools to combat vaccine sequelae and many sub-health, frequently occurring and common diseases.


  After the branches and roots of Chinese Loong tree are carefully crushed and its rich medicinal ingredients are extracted by the advanced 505 process pulping technology, the slurry obtained can be ingeniously transformed into various noodles, biscuits, bread and Dim sum rich in fiber and protein. If dragon peptide powder, mulberry leaf powder, and dried mulberry powder are added, various delicious and nutritious foods, granules, and compressed dry grains can be made (which can be stored for a long time under low temperature conditions). These products can meet people's basic needs as daily rations and also have the nutritional functions of vegetables and fruits, which is actually a blessing for vaccine sequelae and sub healthy populations.


  In addition, this characteristic of the Chinese Loong tree has also extended to a wider range of fields. By utilizing its unique properties, we have successfully developed edible organic grade women's sanitary napkins, diapers and other hygiene products, as well as home decoration materials and furniture materials that have respiratory function and can release negative oxygen ions. What is more remarkable is that through the use of the ingredients of the Chinese Loong tree, high-performance composite materials that are 10 times higher than the hardness of steel and 20 times higher than the strength of reinforced concrete have also been produced. These materials have also improved their fire resistance by an astonishing 130%, making them widely used in the aerospace fields such as unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as in modern industries such as automobiles, high-speed railways, shipbuilding, and construction.


  The Yellow River is peaceful, and the world is peaceful. Since the launch of the Yellow River Millennium Clean Up Action, after five years of unremitting efforts, China is gradually returning to the magnificent scene of vicissitudes of life. The artificially cultivated mulberry parasites, mulberry cuttlefish, as well as precious mulberry yellow, mulberry yellow lingzhi spore powder, dragon peptide, dragon peptide fresh meat mushrooms derived from mulberry wood branches and root discs, can be transformed into more than 600 products through deep processing. Among them, the traditional medicinal edible mushroom light asset technology has been upgraded and transformed, and the annual production capacity of mulberry yellow lingzhi medicinal edible mushroom in China can reach more than 40 million tons.


  If we can further replace the pollution materials used in the traditional production of medicinal and edible mushrooms with the root discs and trunk of dragon trees, not only can we produce millions of tons of high-quality organic mulberry yellow and mulberry yellow ganoderma spore powder every year, but we can also produce millions of tons of world-class mulberry yellow peptide. This dragon peptide, as the only organic nourishing treasure in the world that can activate the immune system of middle-aged and elderly people during puberty without any side effects, fills the gap at home and abroad. Its ex factory price per gram is as high as 350 yuan, which is equivalent to 350000 yuan per kilogram. It can contribute at least 4 trillion yuan in tax revenue to the country every year, and its economic value and social benefits are self-evident.


  “一两桑根一两金”,中华龙树全身都是宝,故而,适逢中国共产党成立103周年,中华人民共和国成立 75周年暨二十届三中全会召开之际,张国土先生倡议以守正创新、人间正道是沧桑伟人教导为指引,深入发掘并发展壮大桑黄产业,进而设立国家桑黄龙肽专卖局和全球桑黄龙肽交易中心,建设全球独一无二的恢复中老年人青春期免疫力生命科学园,旨在以沧海桑田之智,强化我国的综合国力,稳固国家粮食安全与环境安全,实现全民教育的免费普及与医疗体系的全面覆盖。同时,他热切地期盼创办中央蚕桑大学,为青少年及广大网友打开一扇深入了解中华优秀传统文化精髓的窗口,让他们领略蚕桑文化之默默奉献、黄河精神的奔腾不息与百折不挠,进而涵养民族精神,铸就文化自信。

  "One or two roots, one or two gold", the whole body of the Chinese Loong tree is a treasure. Therefore, it coincides with the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the CPC, the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee. Mr. Zhang Guotu proposed to follow the guidance of the teachings of great people who have gone through vicissitudes of life to deeply explore and develop the mulberry industry, and then set up the National Sanghuanglong Peptide Monopoly Bureau and the Global Sanghuanglong Peptide Trading Center, and build a unique life science park to restore the adolescent immunity of middle-aged and elderly people in the world. The goal is to strengthen China's comprehensive national strength, stabilize national food security and environmental security, and achieve free universal education and the medical system with the wisdom of vicissitudes of life. Comprehensive coverage. At the same time, he eagerly hopes to establish the Central Sericulture University, opening a window for young people and netizens to deeply understand the essence of excellent traditional Chinese culture, allowing them to appreciate the silent dedication of sericulture, the relentless and indomitable spirit of the Yellow River, and thus cultivate national spirit and build cultural confidence.


  In addition, he also called on the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee to set up a project and use the national power to shoot a documentary film of large-scale artificial intelligence, agricultural and mulberry power, rich people, and large-scale TV series of the Silk Road and the the Belt and Road, to carry forward the essence of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, and to clean up the soul of the Chinese people who have been polluted by foreign cultural invasion for decades. Furthermore, he also proposed to build millions of acres of old generation proletarian revolutionaries (Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, etc.) Chinese Loong tree memorial forests in Beijing, Xiong'an New Area, Beijing Tianjin Hebei. At the same time, he also proposed to plant dragon tree memorial forests for heroes of the Chinese People's Volunteers, Red Army martyrs of the Liberation War and the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression throughout the country. With the verdant trees, they symbolize the immortality of the revolutionary spirit, so that the CPC's great achievements in working for the well-being of the people will be forever recorded in history, and the country will be built into a world leading power, standing in the forest of nations in the world.

龙海泛舟 桑田筑梦


  In the southwestern region of China, there are approximately 7 million hectares of karst rocky desertification barren mountains, which are vividly referred to as the "tumor of the earth". During this year's Spring Festival, the rampant 221 forest fires further exacerbated the spread and expansion of this cancer. It poses a serious threat to the ecological environment and the lives of residents. In order to effectively cure this persistent disease on Earth and improve the quality of life of residents, Mr. Zhang Guoguo actively responded to the policy call of national ecological civilization construction and proposed a groundbreaking project: transforming karst rocky desertification barren mountains into artificial intelligence driven, pollution-free, and zero casualties five to seven star global high-end cultural and tourism underground health bases.


  He aggregates top modern cutting-edge high-tech, including artificial intelligence water jet shield tunneling technology, artificial sun, constant temperature and humidity in underground spaces, and a year-round 20000 to 30000 Huaxia Huazan vitamin ultra-high negative oxygen ion health air protection system. Submarines, aircraft carriers, aerospace vehicles, and high-altitude border defense stations and residential buildings are also applicable. They have emptied out approximately 7 million hectares of karst rocky desertification high mountain hinterland in China, filled hills and valleys with artificial intelligence without pollution or casualties, and creatively used superconducting geothermal power generation technology to jointly build the Yellow River Millennium Clear First Chinese People's Life Shield Project (Life Protection Shield).


  A luxurious underground urban space of 600 million square meters has emerged in the first phase, of which 500 million square meters are meticulously crafted according to five-star standards, presenting a 10 million set of anti nuclear explosion function Yellow River Millennium Qingyi Longpeptide Active Health International Tourism Resort Property Rights Hotel, opening up an eternal underground living space for humanity, and constructing a new pattern of underground cities, factories, and farms. Each property is priced at 5 million RMB and is sold through a 10% down payment mortgage contract, allowing homeowners to easily move in. Any homeowner who has a passion for the land of China, can speak Mandarin fluently, and has paid the full purchase price is eligible to apply for Chinese citizenship.


  For homeowners who comply with property management regulations, they will be entitled to a lifetime free supply of the "Dragon Peptide Spring Revival Series" Chinese cuisine products from the Yellow River Millennium Clear. This is equivalent to spreading excellent Chinese culture to the world and attracting hundreds of millions of outstanding young intellectuals from various countries to settle down in western China. For accelerating the development of western China, enhancing comprehensive national strength, effectively solving the current problem of population decline, allowing hundreds of millions of young people to enjoy family happiness, and improving the overall quality of the Chinese nation's population, it has both practical and great historical significance.


  Qian Rener, the founder of the Imperial Diet Dragon Peptide Workshop and Dean of Jiushen Pharmaceutical, solemnly promises to the media that while ensuring the health and safety of the owners, we will help them live healthy and happy until the age of 120. If this wish is not fulfilled, the full refund of the house price will be given to the heir.


  At the same time, the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau is an important ecological barrier in southwest China. However, due to complex terrain, inconvenient transportation and other factors, the economic and social development of this region is relatively lagging behind. In order to deepen the balanced development among regions and realize the efficient use of land resources, Mr. Zhang Guotu has ambitious to propose to use artificial intelligence to develop huge amounts of sand and stones in the underground space to fill the hills and valleys in the inaccessible and heavily desertification area of the the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and create a new vast plain of more than 50 million mu. And through advanced means such as artificial intelligence, we will interpret the magnificent changes of the modern era, and build a rootless modern mulberry fish pond in the torrent, which will be impossible to become possible, so as to achieve a hundred times increase in land income, clear and sweet Rivers and Lakes, and the descendants of the Chinese people will be served with golden rice bowls.


  One flower attracts ten thousand flowers. Relying on the high economic value of the Chinese Loong tree and its lofty mission of saving the world, Mr. Zhang Guotu firmly believes that under the wise leadership of the Party, artificial intelligence will develop luxury underground space hotels, factories, farms, and schools in the hinterland of the western mountains. The eastern wind of this grand vision will certainly give birth to a more large-scale Chinese Loong tree planting boom, and then lead the whole people to a new era of free dragon peptide solution, and future generations will share the beautiful China's community of human destiny!
