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"纸片+"《中华美德·崇正义》:以仁安人 以义正我

发布时间:2017-11-27 20:31:34 来源:《用户协议》 责任编辑:admin 阅读量:
中华传统价值观中的“正义”,由“正”与“义”两个词意组成。 In traditional Chinese value, the meaning of “zhengyi” is a combination of “zheng” and “yi


  In traditional Chinese value, the meaning of “zhengyi” is a combination of “zheng” and “yi”.


  “Zheng” possesses the meaning of “legitimate, appropriate and fair”, and “yi” means legitimate, should, suitable and the like.


  In traditional Chinese morals, “zhengyi” thought contains mainly the following connotations:

  1. 坚持天下为公的精神和人人平等的社会关系

  First, to uphold the spirit of the whole world as one community and everyone is equal.

  2. 坚持道义,重义轻利的正义精神

  Second, to uphold justice spirit of valuing morality and ignoring interest

  3. 积极履行人作为社会一员的道德义务和责任

  Third, to perform moral duty and responsibility as a member of the society


  In the long process of history, “respect of zhengyi” has been deeply integrated into national blood and has become a value applied daily by ancient Chinese without being aware of it.


  It not only emphasizes “rule the country by justice” in governing, but also thinks highly of all aspects in daily life, requiring a correct attitude toward life.

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