周文程守正创新 特色中医疗法 ——简单实用 疗效立竿见影
周文程守正创新 特色中医疗法
——简单实用 疗效立竿见影
Zhou Wencheng is innovative characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy —— Simple and practical, the curative effect is immediate
2023年特别报道在中医事业发展中,守护人民健康中作出杰出贡献的守正创新 特色中医疗法——周文程。
To comprehensively promote the development of health industry, response xi general secretary "no health, there is no comprehensive well-off" and " to advocate healthy and civilized way of life, set up the concept of big health, health, the cure to people's health as the center, establish and improve the health education system, improve the health literacy."And" the call to uphold the concept of a community of human health and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind ". In the development。
Zhou Wencheng accepted the CCTV "medical arrival" column group interview video report
周文程守正创新 特色中医疗法荣获打开中华文明宝库金钥匙奖!
Zhou Wencheng Shouzheng innovative characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine therapy won the golden Key award to open the treasure house of Chinese civilization!
Introduction to famous artists
周文程 ,男 ,汉族 ,湖南永州市人 ,大专文化、中级职称、 国家注册执业医师、毕业于国内医科大学;高级中医针灸师、高 级中医康复理疗师、道州疼痛专科医院负责人、东莞高埗周文 程内科诊所负责人、湖南省中医药和中西结合学会会员、中国 国际特色医疗网特色诊疗专家、 中国医药信息学会特色疗法与 新技术分会特邀专家、 中国管理科学研究院学术委员会中医研 究中心客座教授、 中国医药教育协会成人教育委员会第四届理 事、中国名医录数据库"中华名医"、国医百科网专家委会名誉主席、中国医药教育协会会员、中国康复医学会会员、中国"十 四五 "国家中医药杰出人才-中医战略科学家、获人民日报网医学影响力人物荣誉奖等等。 曾多次获得患者赠送 "感谢锦旗"及好评,并多次获得"中国好医生“ 中华名医 "等奖杯、奖章和荣誉证书。
Zhou Wencheng, man, the Han nationality, Yongzhou, Hunan, College culture, intermediate title, national registered medical physician, graduated from domestic medical university; Senior TCM acupuncturist, senior traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation physiotherapists, state pain specialist hospital, Dongguan high then zhou, cheng medicine clinic, head of the association of traditional Chinese medicine and Chinese and western society members, China international medical network characteristic experts, China medical information society characteristic therapy and new technology branch invited experts, academic committee of China management science research institute of traditional Chinese medicine research center, China medicine education association committee of the fourth adult education committee "Chinese Famous Doctor", honorary Chairman of the Expert Committee of Chinese Medical Encyclopedia, member of China Medical Education Association, member of Chinese Rehabilitation Medical Association, China "14th Five-Year" National Outstanding Talent-Strategic scientist of Traditional Chinese Medicine, won the honorary award of Medical influential Person of People's Daily Network, etc. He has been awarded "Thank you banner" and praised by patients for many times, and has won trophies, MEDALS and honorary certificates of "Chinese Good Doctor" Chinese Famous Doctor " for many times.
Features good at
急慢性支气管肺炎、哮喘、脾胃炎、高血压、眩晕头痛、中风偏瘫、 骨质增生、腰腿痛、颈椎病等久治未愈的疑难疾病。
Acute and chronic bronchopneumonia, asthma, spleen and stomach inflammation, hypertension, vertigo, headache, stroke hemiplegia, bone hyperplasia, lumbar and leg pain, cervical spondylosis and other long-treated difficult diseases.
采用中西医结合诊疗,部分配合中医微创康复理疗、一般一次 见效 ,1-2疗程治愈、有效率达98%以上。周文程大夫擅长利用中西医理论结合,医治各种常见的急慢性疑难疾病。 比如∶急慢性支气管炎、肺炎、哮喘、肠胃炎、高血压、中风偏瘫、头晕头痛、眩晕症、失眠多梦、肾虚阳萎、颈椎病、腰椎盘突出、骨质增生、关节炎、小儿食积等久治未愈疑难疾病。一般医治1次见效 ,1~2疗程治愈 ,部分疾病配合新中医特色针灸小针刀微创治疗 ,有效率99% ,治愈率95%以上。不住院,随治随走,价格实惠、疗效好、身体恢复快。
周文程大夫擅长利用中西医理论结合诊疗疾病 ,以西医理 论为诊断基础 ,以中医理论确定诊疗方案; 以西医治疗方法为 手段 ,以中医治疗方法为目的 ,做到标本同治、医病祛根"。本 医师一贯遵从我们老祖宗留下的最好中医精典名言"正气存内、邪不可干。
The combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine diagnosis and treatment, part with traditional Chinese medicine minimally invasive rehabilitation physiotherapy, generally one effect, 1-2 courses of cure, effective rate of more than 98%. Dr. Zhou Wencheng is good at using the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine theories to treat a variety of common acute, chronic and difficult diseases. For example: acute and chronic
想医好病必须扶正祛邪;不通则痛,通则不痛,若患者气血不足、气滞血瘀至体内气血运行不畅,瘀堵不通从而导至患处疼痛不适 ,活动障碍。从中医最好的辩证方案"阴阳表里寒热虚实"八纲辩证来说 ,一个人身体只要阴阳平衡 ,气血顺畅,正气充足,外邪病毒很难侵入,不管任何疾病,我们只要让患者气血充足,气血运行通畅,维持身体阴阳平衡,从而提高患者自身免疫力抗病能力达到痊愈康复!世界所有东西万事万物都是以一阴一阳二种状态存在(比如:国学易经阴阳八卦讲得很透彻) ,相互制约相互依存保持阴阳平衡,一旦阴阳失衡问题就来了 ,所以辩证施治也一样,万变不离其中也 … …
Want to cure the disease must be fuzheng quxie; not general pain, general pain, if the patient is insufficient qi and blood, qi stagnation blood stasis to the body qi and blood operation is not smooth, stasis obstruction to the affected area of pain and discomfort, activity disorders. From the best dialectical scheme of traditional Chinese medicine "Yin and Yang surface" eight classes dialectical, a body as long as the balance of Yin and Yang, qi and blood smooth, qi is sufficient, evil virus is difficult to invade, no matter any disease, we just let patients with qi and blood enough, qi and blood flow, maintain the body balance of Yin and Yang, so as to improve patients' own immunity resistance to recover! Everything in the world exists in a Yin and Yang two states (such as: the Yin and Yang gossip speak very thoroughly), mutual restriction and interdependence to maintain the balance of Yin and Yang, once the imbalance of Yin and Yang comes, so dialectical treatment is the same, all change also......
Classic medical case sharing:
一、 哮喘病 (18 年久治未愈)
1. Asthma (18 years without cure)
时间:2015.04. 15 姓名:李X民,男、42岁、农民 ,河南扶沟县人。因咳嗽,气喘,咯痰伴头晕乏力反复发作18年余 ,加重1月来诊。自述这十八年来咳嗽、气喘、咯泡沫痰伴头晕、乏力反复发作、冬春季天气变凉时一不小心就病发,而且卧床时呼吸不畅,气喘加重,曾到扶沟县人民医院等多家大小医院 治疗时好时坏,每年到春冬季就病,近一月伴有头晕乏力自汗,气喘晚上不能平卧等症 ,病情加重来我门诊就诊。
Date: 2015.04.15 Name: Li Xiaomin, male, 42 years old, farmer, born in Fugou County, Henan Province. Due to cough, wheezing, sputum cough with dizziness and fatigue for more than 18 years, which aggravated the visit in January. Readme this 18 years cough, asthma, foam phlegm with dizziness, fatigue, winter, cold weather carelessly disease, and bed breathing, asthma, went to fugou county people's hospital size hospital treatment, every year to the winter disease, nearly January accompanied by dizziness fatigue since sweat, asthma cannot supine at night, aggravating to my outpatient clinic.
患者有十余年的吸烟史,无传染病接触史,无过敏史,已婚 ,妻身健康,肓有一儿一女。无家族遗传病史。
查:Bp125/85mmhg、P95 次/分、R25次/分、T36.8℃ , 精神状态差 ,面色疮白 ,体形偏瘦 ,双肺听诊可闻双肺呼吸音 增粗 ,哮鸣音 ,湿罗音 ,平卧加重 ,心音听诊无杂音 ,右手脉 诊脉象细而弱 ,其余未见明显弄常。 (建议到大医院做血常规、肝功、 肾功等化验检测、做心电图、胸部 x 光检测)
The patient had a smoking history of more than ten years, no contact with infectious diseases, no allergy history, married, a healthy wife, a son and a daughter. There was no family genetic history. Check: Bp 125 / 85 mmHg, P95 times / minute, R25 times / minute, T36.8℃, poor mental state, pale complexion, thin body, auscultation in both lungs, wheezing, wet sound, supine aggravation, auscultation without murmur, right hand pulse fine and weak, the rest is not obvious often.(It is recommended to do blood routine, liver function, kidney function and other laboratory tests, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray test)
First diagnosis: 1. Asthma (Traditional Chinese medicine: Lung Qi deficiency) 2. Chronic bronchitis
治疗:①西医:给予对症抗炎,补充能量治疗选用中成药针剂清 开灵针、黄茂针和西药安茶碱和维C针等联合用药一天一次按半月一疗程治疗。②中医:选用“特色中医穴位水针疗法
Treatment: ① Western medicine: give symptomatic anti-inflammatory, supplementary energy treatment of Chinese patent medicine injection, Huang Maoneedle and western medicine antelline and vitamin C needle and other combined drugs a day by half a month a course of treatment.② Traditional Chinese medicine: choose " characteristic traditional Chinese medicine acupoint water needle therapy
" :a.选药: 复方当归针等药,b.选穴:肺腧穴和哮喘穴,三天 一次 ,5 次为一疗程(半个月),此方法优点: 治疗用药直达病灶,还有传统针灸效果,而且安全无痛苦,疗效立杆见影。
": A. Drug selection: compound angelica needles and other drugs, b. Selection: lung acupoints and asthma points, once every three days, 5 times for a course of treatment (half a month), the advantages of this method: the treatment drug directly to the lesion, and the effect of traditional acupuncture, and safe and painless, the curative effect is visible.
临床效果 :
clinical effect:
患 者 通 过 上 述 方 法 联 合 用 药 治 疗 : 第 二 天 咳 嗽减轻,气喘消失,晚下能正常平卧 ,精神状态好转,病人心情变好,接着按照医嘱坚持治疗一疗程,并医嘱戒烟酒,加强身体健康训练,患者症状全部消失 ,面色红润,精神气好 ,连续随访二三年哮喘病未再复发。
Patients through the above methods combined drug treatment: the second day cough relief, asthma disappear, late can normal supine, mental state, the patient feel better, then according to the doctor's advice to treat a course of treatment, and ordered to quit alcohol, strengthen physical health training, all symptoms disappear, ruddy, good spirit, continuous follow-up for two or three years of asthma did not relapse.
Clinical summary:
近 十 年 来 接 诊 约 500 人 慢 性 哮 喘 病 按 照 上述 方 法加减治疗1-3 疗程 ,有效率100% ,治愈率 95%以上, 打破 国内外慢性哮喘病不能根治的神话,谁说哮喘病不能愈只能控制?
In the past ten years, about 500 people have been treated for chronic asthma according to the above methods for 1-3 courses, with an effective rate of 100%, and a cure rate of more than 95%, breaking the myth that chronic asthma cannot be cured at home and abroad. Why, who says that asthma can only be controlled?
二 腰椎盘突出并坐骨神经炎(10 年久治未愈)
Second lumbar disc herniation with sciatic neuropathy (10 years of long treatment)
时间:2020年9月12日 姓名:杨x桂。性别女 ,54岁、工人、广西灵山人。 因腰疼伴右下肢麻木活动障碍反复发作 10年剧痛不能行3天。 自述近十年来腰疼伴下肢麻木不仁反复发作,曾到灵山县级医院及其它大小医院治疗吃个中药输过液,做过理疗针灸均未见明显好转,一受凉劳累就病发,平时只能靠加量吃止疼药来控制、近二天吹空调受凉腰疼伴下肢麻木加重,卧不能起床,行动不便,在家人掺扶下来到本门诊就治。
Date: September 12,2020 Name: Yang x GUI. Female, 54 years old, worker, from Lingshan, Guangxi. Severe pain for 3 days due to recurrent numbness of right lower limb for 10 years. Readnearly a decade back pain with lower limb numbness repeated attacks, went to lingshan county hospital and other size hospital treatment to eat a Chinese medicine liquid, do physiotherapy acupuncture have not seen significantly improvement, a catch cold catch cold tired disease, usually only by adding take painkillers to control, nearly two days blow air conditioning catch cold catch cold waist pain with lower limb numbness, lie can't get up, inconvenience, in the family mixed down to the outpatient service.
患者:无心脑血管病史、无传染病接触病史,无腰部外伤史 , 无药物过敏史,肓有2女,丈夫及女儿身体状况良好。检查:患者面色疮白,痛苦面容,不能行走。BP130/95mmHg、P90 次/分、R20 次/分、T36.1℃心肺听诊未闻杂音,胸部无畸形隆起 ,腹部隆起偏胖 ,腰部腰3、4、5 有压疼叩击痛,右大腿僵硬活动障碍。其余体格检查来见明显异常 。 (建议患者做腰部CT 片 B超,化验血常规、肝功、肾功等检查,以便于诊断)
Patient: no history of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, infectious disease, no history of drug allergy, 2 women, husband and daughter in good physical condition. Examination: The patient has a pale complexion, a painful face, and is unable to walk. BP130 / 95mmHg, P90 times / min, R20 times / min, T36.1℃ cardiopulmonary auscultation, no abnormal chest bulge, fat abdominal bulge, pressure, pain and percussion pain in waist 3,4 and 5, stiffness and right thigh, movement disorder. The rest of the physical examination showed obvious abnormalities.(It is recommended that patients do waist CT tablet B ultrasound, blood routine, liver function, kidney function, etc., to facilitate diagnosis) Initial diagnosis: lumbar disc herniation and sciatic neuritis of the right limb.
a. 西医:给予对症止痛抗炎治疗(省略)
b. 中医:选用中医特色针灸小针刀微创术:
a. Western medicine: give symptomatic analgesic and anti-inflammatory treatment (omitted) In
b. Traditional Chinese medicine: Selected acupuncture with traditional Chinese medicine characteristics:
首先手法精准定位,找到病灶点,一次选定 2-5 处病灶常规消毒处理后进针(要求避开神经和血管、定位要准、操作合规) ,3次为一疗程,5一 7 天做一次。
First of all, precise positioning of the way to find the lesion point, 2-5 lesions are selected for routine disinfection and then injection (required to avoid nerves and blood vessels, positioning is accurate, and operation compliance), 3 times for a course of treatment, once every 5 to 7 days.
clinical effect:
患者当时经" 特 色中医 针 灸 小 针 刀 微 创 治 疗5一 10 分 钟 结 束 疼 痛 立 马 减 轻60%以 上,可下 床自由行走,配合药物治疗一个疗程症状全部消失,活动自于,医嘱她每天做 "小鸟飞 "、扭腰及压腿运动半小时以上。最后对
患者随访二年至今腰疼病无复发 。
At that time, after the minimally invasive treatment of characteristic Chinese acupuncture with acupuncture, the pain was immediately reduced by more than 60% after 10 minutes. She could walk freely out of bed, and all the symptoms disappeared after a course of drug treatment, and the activity was spontaneous. However, she was ordered to do "bird flying", twisting waist and pressing legs for more than half an hour every day. Finally to The patient has had no recurrence of lumbar pain since two years of follow-up.
Clinical summary:
近 十 年 来 本 人 采 用 .特 色 中 医 针 灸 小 针 刀 微 创 术 . 配合中西药物治疗 "骨质增生、腰椎间盘突出、高血压中风偏瘫 、 头晕头疼 、 颈椎病 ,关节炎 、 肌键炎等久治未愈的疑难病症近千人通过1-3疗程治疗,疗效立杆见影,治愈率95%以上,中医特色针灸小针刀微创技术真得好!!
Nearly ten years I adopt. Characteristics of TCM acupuncture small knife minimally invasive. cooperate with Chinese and western drug treatment " bone hyperplasia, lumbar disc, hypertension, stroke hemiplegia, dizziness, cervical spondylosis, arthritis, muscle inflammation of incurable diseases nearly one thousand people through 1-3 course of treatment, curative effect, cure rate above 95%, the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture small knife minimally invasive technology is good!!
Self speech:
很多人认为中医治病疗效没有西医来得快 ,那是你根本没 有了解到中医的特色治疗技术,中医学博大精深,除了 "中医特色针炙小针刀微创术、 中医特色穴位水针疗法,还有"中医 特色放血疗法"等等,当你急诊遇到 "心脑血管疾病卒中、痛 疼性休克、过敏休克、心肌梗塞等等危重病时,特别是碰到病 危患者不知如何用药抢救时,采用"中医特色放血疗效,可以在 2 分钟内把病人抢救过来恢复其生命体征、不需要任何抢救设备,也不需要任何抢救药,这就是中医学神奇之处。
Many people think that the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine is not as fast as Western medicine, That's when you don't know anything about the special treatment techniques of TCM, Traditional Chinese medicine is extensive and profound, In addition to " Chinese medicine characteristic acupuncture small needle knife minimally invasive surgery, Chinese medicine characteristic acupuncture water acupuncture therapy, There are "Chinese medicine letting therapy" and so on, When you encounter " critical diseases such as cardiovascular stroke, painful shock, anaphylactic shock, myocardial infarction and so on in the emergency department, Especially when the dying patients do not know how to use the drug rescue, Using the efficacy of TCM features, The patient can be rescued within 2 minutes to recover his vital signs without any rescue equipment, Neither does it need any rescue medicine, This is what the magic of traditional Chinesemedicine.
传承中医文化 弘扬民族精髓
Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine culture and carrying forward the essence of the nation
中医文化博大精深,源远流长。无数中医工作者在中医药学 的传承、中西结合、取长补短,创新发展的历史长河中孜孜以 求。周文程老师是中国中医药的传承者,是复兴中医药文化的坚定实践者, 周文程老师一直以来带头倡导发掘好、传承好、保护好中医药,是中医药人义不容辞的历史使命和责任。虽小有建树,但他仍虚心学习,在现今中医医疗改革的洪流中,长风破浪,勇当 排头兵。“传承中医药文化,弘扬民族精髓”,他的大爱佛心,奠定了他致力于推广中医药的雄心壮志!!!
Traditional Chinese medicine culture is extensive and profound, and has a long history. Countless TCM workers have been diligently in the inheritance of Chinese and Western medicine, and innovation and development. Mr.Zhou Wencheng is the inheritor of Chinese TCM and the firm practitioner of the revival of traditional Chinese medicine culture. Mr.Zhou Wencheng has always taken the lead in advocating the practice of exploring, inheriting and protecting good Chinese medicine, which is the bounden historical mission and responsibility of TCM people. Although he has made achievements, he still learns with an open mind. In the current current of TCM medical reform, the wind and waves, brave when the vanguard."Inheriting traditional Chinese medicine culture, carrying forward the essence of the nation", his great love of Buddha heart, laid down his ambition to promote traditional Chinese medicine!!!
“学医学立身 ,行善德做人” ,
周文程将继续在行医路上孜孜不倦 ,
诠释悬壶济世的医者仁心 ,
"Study medicine, do good and be good", Zhou Wencheng will continue to practice medicine tirelessly, Interpreting the benevolence of the doctor who helps the world, To contribute their own strength to the motherland of traditional Chinese medicine...
[Doctor Zhou work WeChat ID: zwc014913]
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